Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Interview with Model/Makeup Artist Zii

Model Name: Zii
Memphis, TN

What made you get into modeling/makeup?

Modeling – I got into modeling after participating in a pageant, and it was something that I was curious about, so I tried it, liked it, and been doing it ever since.

Makeup—I got into makeup around the time I had to break into it for the pageant. I remember my first lesson, and quite frankly, I wasn’t all that interested. After modeling for a few years, I had to learn how to do my own for runway shows and photo shoots. With practice, I was getting pretty good at it. Then, January 2012, one of my friends asked if I would do her makeup at a fashion show. We went to the restroom, and after I finished her face, it just hit me – I could freelance professionally. At that moment I recognized that God gifted my hands to do something that was unmatched to only a few I had seen. It inspired me to start Daughter of Zion makeup by Zii brand and service. Since then, makeup has been an opportune journey and learning adventure. I love it, and I don’t plan on turning back!

How long have you been into it?

Modeling – I’ve been modeling nearly 6 years, and I’m humbled by the opportunities I’ve been allowed. I’ve graced many runways and worked with some talented photographers.

Makeup—Although I’ve only been doing makeup professionally for a little more than a year, I’ve been perfecting my craft since I was 16.

What are some of your hobbies?

Other than makeup and modeling, I love to sing, dance, act, and go to church. I also enjoy mentoring young people. It’s amazing to see the transformation of young people if you take out a few minutes during the week to encourage and work with them. They gain your trust and respect, then you become someone to them that you would have never imagined.

How do you view the industry?

The industry is very cut-throat. It’s all about networking and making important, valuable and meaningful connections, especially if you want to do more than take pictures for fun. The door is always wide open, but the key is to be prepared. One of my mentors always taught me that PREPERATION + OPPORTUNITY = SUCCESS.

You have anyone in mind you want to work with next model etc.?

I would like to groom more children. Children are so open and willing to learn. They’re easy to teach and mold because they’re like little sponges.

And if I could meet Beyonce, then that would be a plus!

Who are some of your favorite designers/brands?

One of my favorite designers is Korto Momolu out of Little Rock, Ark. She’s so humble and sweet, and her spirit is so very pleasant. Her work speaks for itself. She’s a designer of style and definitely comfort. The fabric she uses melts onto the skin and makes you feel like a goddess.

As far as brands, I’m not hung up on a name. It was just how I was raised. If a t-shirt and jean outfit from Wal-Mart is cute and comfortable, then I feel good. It’s never about the clothes, but the person in them.

Where can we find you online?

You can find me at, or on Instagram @MakeupbyZii. I’m on Facebook at

What is something you willing to share with your readers that they might not know about you?

I’d rather be behind the scenes. It is true that I love the runway, but I get the most excitement when I’m helping someone and making someone else feel good.

Anything you want to add before we close out?

If you don’t know Jesus, get to know Him. In this day in time, you can’t afford to live without a RELATIONSHIP with Him. (That is all.)

Thursday, February 14, 2013


CITY: Memphis

What genre of music do you play? Hip Hop, RnB, Rap, House, Dance, Bounce

So how did it all begin? It all began on the campus of University of Memphis. I started out playing music at house parties switching between my CD's and iTunes, lol. Obviously that wasn't going to work too long. I quickly moved on to a simple DJ program on the computer and began mixing at these college house parties. When I saw the energy I got from the crowd I thought to myself "this is all me!" Having the satisfaction of knowing that everyone had a good time because of the music I played opened my eyes. From then on I studied, watched, learned and listened to the DJ's that were already in the game like: Dj Kutta, Dj Dre, Dj Spydermann, Dj Houston, etc.

Where did the name come from? The name actually comes from my Fraternity; The Delta Nu chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. It was originally DNuBreed symbolizing a new breed of members that came into the chapter around 04/05. I simply split the D from the Nu and made it Dj. Simple, but effective.

What gave you that initial push? When people didn't take me seriously. They made me work harder and grind smarter to earn my respect in this business. I had four people in my ear the entire time i was trying to make a name for myself: Dj Rocksteddy, Dj Q, my guys Jerrick and KJay (who are also both Dj's). They gave me the necessary words and "encouragement" to stop tip toeing and get the ball rolling.

Did the Djing, Production, Promoting come 1st? I've produced music since I was a teenager, that's always been a passion of mine. However, I put it on the back burner when life got "real" after college. I was originally promoting with a group called AEI. A lot of people came and went through AEI, but I'm not gone speak on that, lol. Then the Djing came and changed my life completely.

Who's throwing the best parties at the moment? That's a hard question. Everybody brings something unique and different to their demographic of people. If I had to say somebody it would have to be BBEMG with the Sun Set Day Party.

Which other countries have you played/put parties on? I haven't been out of the county, yet. I'm striving to get international though so stay tuned lol.

What was the first event you ever played at/put on? A Sigma house party in college. Mainstream though would be a birthday party at Elements.

What's the best event you've played at/put on? The Can I Live Weekend Ultimate Day Party of 2012...that party was live all night. #Clutch

What was your first record you bought? I snuck out when I was about 7 or 8 and picked up the Doggystyle tape..."It aint no fun" is still one of my favorite tracks to date.

Out of all the tunes you have, which one 'never fails?' Skool Boy - Be Her Man ....everybody loves a dance record

What's your favorite tune of all time? Man that's a hard question. I would have to say Michael Jackson "Off The Wall".

When all the partying is over how do you like to chill out? I like to eat so, a nice restaurant with some friends is always a plus for me. Honestly, I have a party spirit so if I'm not working on the weekends I try to hang out downtown at 152 with my guy Dj DNyce.

So how is the scene in your eyes at the moment? Monogamous... everybody is doing it.

How big is your vinyl collection? What do you think of CDJ's? I grew up in the Cassette tape, CD era so my Vinyl collection is pretty much non-existent. I personally think CDJ's a great, I personally use 1200 Technincs. It's all a matter of preference. I know one thing...a cdj weights lighter than a turntable smh.

Funniest thing that ever happened at an event? The funniest thing is watching some of these people dance. Certain songs bring out the best and worst in people, lol.

What are your feelings on the MC's? If you break my mixer you buy it, lol...but seriously. I like the MC's they keep the crowd motivated when needed.

What do you do outside of the dance music scene? I eat and sleep. I occasionally wake up and go to work to counsel adults that have had a rough life, but mostly eat and sleep, lol.

What advice would you give to up and coming DJs/Promoters? Know how to play the game before you step foot in the gym. Know what you want to do, where you want to go, and go for it. Nothing comes over night. "If there is no struggle there is no progress" - Frederick Douglass

When you play is this pre planned set? No...I try not to get into a routine. I hate predictability. I always want to make you think I'm going a certain way and hit you with something to remember me by.

Where can you be found doing your thing? Catch me at Silver Spoon every Friday Night and other various locations throughout the week.

What music artist is motivating the music scene right now? 2 Chainz and Future...their "style" has motivated a lot of music being played at the moment.

If you could change anything about the night scene what would it be? The atmosphere. It seems like night life is getting monogamous. It needs to take a shift in a different direction and fast.

Do you feel the DJing game is changing if so how? Yes, I feel that it is not appreciated as it once was. There is more quantity than quality at the moment. The market has been cheapened and the DJ is losing its value to most promoters and club owners.

If you could pick any place you could spin at where would it be? The Ultra Music be amongst that atmosphere would be epic. Also, a premier venue in Cali or Vegas would be clutch. I hear they party on a different level out there.

Anything you want to add before we close out? I just want to say thank you for the opportunity to do this. Thanks to all the people who believed that I could make it this far, but the journey isn't over yet. I still have a long way to go so stay tuned and keep rockin with me. #WePartyin

How can we find you on online? or @Dj_NuBreed

Monday, February 4, 2013

Tara Seals Of Body Decor Boutique

Tara Seals Photo Courtesy of Arekah

Witty, fun-loving, straight-forward, optimistic, persistent and a mentor to many…allow me to introduce Tara Seals, Wife, Mommy to an incredible pup, Daughter, Sister, Entrepreneur, Professor, Designer, Stylist, and Mentor. Tara is a native Memphian that was born to Mississippi bred parents so the appreciation of life, love of laughter, seasoned food, big family and humbleness describe her sweet beginnings. Graduate of University of Memphis (B.B.A.) along with 2 graduate degrees...Strayer University (M.B.A.) and Union University (M.A.Ed.) and all degrees conferred by age 25…FOCUSED is her middle name. Designing, modeling, styling and the world of fashion have been apart of her life since the age of 8. From being an Executive Producer for fashion shows in Memphis, TN Atlanta, GA, and Dallas, TX, to a graduate of John Casablanca and a former contracted model with MTM, Inc. to participating in an array of events around the world: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, World Natural Hair Shows, Partnerships with Sister 2 Sister Magazine, Dr. Ellis-Hervey, Co-Chair of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women Fashion Show, Judge for Candyland Kids Fashion Shows, appearances at private elite events and television shows, and Designer and Stylist to several clients in the public and private sector, this is what she LOVES to do and the list continues to grow!!!!

In addition to the love for fashion, education is another love that she holds near and dear to her heart. She has a total of 14 years of experience in the world of education with ages ranging 4 to 67. From Professor to tutoring students at shelters for abandoned, abused, and neglected children, she has a passion for education. Tara is currently working on a project that will have a revolutionary impact on how children are educated and how parental involvement is a direct correlation to student success. She has held several leadership positions in a number of school districts across the U.S., however the most rewarding of them all was when she was elected to be the Coordinator of the Fulton County Spelling Bee in 2009 where children of all ages, academic backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, genders and races came together to support the need for ALL students to know how to read, write and spell at or above grade level. This event was a HUGE success to say the least and county officials agreed that this event was the most successful Spelling Bee Fulton County had ever seen.   She is a member of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Women Business Proprietors, Education Industry Association, Memphis Urban League Young Professionals, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., E-Commerce Business Leaders, to name a few.

She is the Proprietor of Body Decor Boutique (, an online women's boutique specializing in unique and eclectic garments in sizes 0 to 3X and where the logo is a registered trademark of the USPTO. Women empowerment is their area of service. They promote and support women around the world to love the skin they are in and more importantly to have self-love, self-respect, and become SELF-FULFILLED. They make charitable contributions to several non-profit organizations that benefit women annually and look forward to reaching even more in the years to come.

In her spare time, she enjoys spending quality time with family and friends, traveling abroad, knitting, crocheting, sewing, designing, reading, and deep-sea fishing.  


Styled by: Tara Seals