Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Name: Sheila R

How long have you been natural? I haven't had a relaxer since April 2010 and I did the big chop May 2011.

How do you deal with your edges (while transitioning)? With my hair type (3c) it doesn't take much to straighten it so I just would flat iron it once a week. But a good edge control for me now is DreamKids Smooth Edges.

Do you have to wash it every day? I don't wash my hair everyday because that would strip all the oils from my hair also your hair needs to rest so I try my best to comb it as less as possible.

What products do you use? I been using Miss Jesses lately but Herbal Essence is my favorite and natural Shea butter to lock in moisture.

How do you get it straight?  I straighten my own hair because the last time I went to a salon the girl burned 3inches of my hair on one side. I make sure I rub Shea butter on it while I blow dry it so when I use the flat iron with the comb it helps to protect my hair.

How often do you cut your hair? I don't cut my hair until I have to. I want long hair my goal is 28 inches.

Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to go natural? Don't go natural because seems cool or cute this is a complete life style change. What you eat, drink, and do on a daily bases does affect your hair. If you feel like you are ready to go back the way you were created to be then I welcome you to natural life. Drink plenty of water & exercise. Also give you hair a few months to get create a curl pattern. Check out YouTube for tips. Chime Edwards is a good person to follow. And once you have crossed over into natural life you'll be able to run in the rain not from the rain!!

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