Thursday, June 20, 2013

Team Natural Gennell P

Name: Gennell P
City: Nesbit, MS.

How long have you been natural? I’ve been natural for a 1yr and 6 months now.

What made you want to go natural? My daughter has eczema, and her hair fell out, and I had to learn how to take care of her hair because she could not have relaxers any more. So I made the decision to transition as well.

How long did it take you to grow your hair completely out? My plan was to transition for a year, but I transitioned for 7 months, and cut the rest of my relaxed ends off.

How do you deal with your edges (while transitioning)? I didn’t have any problems with my edges. I wore styles that blended in with the rest of my hair.

Do you have to wash it every day? In the beginning I was shampooing it 2-3 times a week, to try to keep it moisturized which was difficult, and now I only shampoo once a week.

What products do you use? I use Jojoba oil by organics, organic hair thickener, castor oil, coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. For my shampoos & conditioners I use Shea Moisture line and Biotin Shampoo these are healthy products for your hair.

How do you get it straight? I was heat free for 1year and 5 months, and finally wanted to see how much growth I had so I straighten my hair once, I had it pressed with the “hot comb”, or you can blow dry it straight as well.

How often do you cut your hair? I cut my hair every 3 months

Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to go natural? Research, research, research! You are to treat ALL of your hair as if it’s already NATURAL very important especially if you plan to transition for more than a few months or a year or more. Treat your hair in the beginning as if it’s already natural, so you can prevent breakage. Make sure to condition & deep condition your hair and keep it moisturized. Everyone transitions differently its best if you do braids or sew-ins but not to do them often because it can break your edges, and then you’ll have to find a way to grow them back. You-tube was my best friend but you have to also be careful with that as well, because what works for others may not work for you. Choose a product you’d think would work best for you can try it for about a month, try not to become a product junkie, but it will be so difficult. Stay motivated, don’t let anyone tell you that NATURAL isn’t for everyone, sure enough it will get difficult at times trying to figure out what works best for you, but you once you work with your hair and tame it you’ll be fine.



  1. Really good interview! This is very helpful because I tried to go natural last yr and I couldnt get my hair to stop breaking so I started bk using relaxers. This is great advice so I think I may try to go natural again. Thanks! Very pretty pics! You both did an awesome job!

    1. Hi Shanika! I'm glad I provided some helpful information for you! i'm always willing to answer any question that you or anyone may have. Just stay motivated and you will enjoy your natural hair journey!

      Thank you!
      GENNELL P.

  2. This was very informative and will be helpful to those who are trying or thinking about transitioning their to its natural state.

    Great job to the both you. Love the pics.

    1. Hello M Nolan,

      Thank you!
      It was difficult at 5 months because that is really when you see your hair transform, it was hard combing it but conditioning it & using protein conditioner broke it down for me, and I made it through it. When going natural your just determined to see your end results and it is great! I'm glad I chose to do it. I love it! :)
      thanks for the compliment on the photos !

  3. She rocked the "Fro" very well. Love it!!

    1. Hello Tj Jamision,

      Thanks so much!

      Gennell P.

  4. I am so excited for you. Your hair is beautiful. Your pictures bring out the life of your personality. Love it!!!

    ~~Jay Hornz~~

  5. Real great Interview, great Pictures! Salute Pat C.

  6. Thanks so much Jay! I appreciate it!


  7. Girl your fro is fierce. I love it and the color. It has a personality all its own and you look so strong and confident. May I just ask where you work and do you wear it differently to work? I am curious is all. Check out my tees also, they would look perfect on you.

  8. Hi Lila !
    Thank you for the compliments ! I work for a Brokerage Company and yes I wear my fro and many other styles. My boss even loves it, I get many compliments and some stare but I still rock my natural in the office ! I've read on fb where many ladies cannot wear their hair the way that they want in the corporate world, but I haven't had that issue.
    I will go online and check them out.
    Thanks again!

  9. Hi! I enjoyed reading this interview! Looks like she's doing great now that she's gotten the hang of it. Keep up the great work! The pictures look really nice.

    1. Hi Robyn !
      Im glad you enjoyed reading my interview, thanks for taking a moment to read it and thanks for the compliments.

  10. Great interview! I've considered washing/conditioning more frequently too as my hair's always best freshly washed. I also have a friend who washes and conditions daily..although her hair's not a coily as mine. I don't have the time though :(

    1. Hi curlyshirly3

      Thank you ! Maybe you can get two days of shampoooing in ! Sometimes I dont have time either and I'd just say I'll do better the next week. Thanks again for reading my interview.

  11. Team Natural!!! Great interview and advice
