Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Model Name: Isis
Location: Memphis but originally from Queens, NY

 What made you get into modeling? I originally started with a promotional tattoo modeling group named the "Bombshells". I have been modeling my artful skin ever since lol.

How long have you been into it? 3 plus years now.

What are some of your hobbies? I sing R&B with a group called 9.9. This group I also hip-hop dance with as well. I also been playing tennis since the age of 5 years old. “Good at it lol”

How do you view the industry? I view this industry as biased at times. It’s harder for a woman of my physique frame to get noticed but a lot of that can be offset by the determination with self to override the barrier.

You have anyone in mind you want to work with next? I would love the opportunity to work with anyone willing to work with me. It's all an experience.

Who are some of your favorite designers? Anything that sticks out to my eye and is different catches my attention.

Where can we find you online? I'm in the process of constructing my own online site. However I can be found on facebook @Thegirlwiththatattoo Flemings or instagram @TATD2DEATH and coming to a couple of magazines soon.

What is something you willing to share with your readers that they might not know about you? I grew-up self-conscious of my size and weight. I always had a wider frame. More so of my leg volume; but I learned that I was built this way to be different. I am learning to LOVE IT!

Anything you want to add before we close out? Stay HUMBLE at all times. Keep positive energy flowing and have an open mind. Always expect the unexpected. Your dreams are as high as you want them to be. Despite what the world thinks of you; keep working hard at yourself. Nothing else matters.

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