Thursday, January 3, 2013


Now that Day 3 in 2013 is down towards creating art, there are 362 days left in making Patrick C Photography a household name around the world. Yesterday I had a chance to work with a couple of people and booked five more shoots for the month (so it is looking good right now).... Most people in photography know this can be a time of year when business is not moving as fast. So, to already have five booked with more coming is considered a pretty good start.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to shoot with a young lady name Zenobia, I call her “Eyes” because they stand out. It was her first shoot and understandably she was nervous and a little shy but once the camera started snapping and the lights were flashing things worked out for the best. I played with a couple of images on the edit tip and put a little something together that is artsy. Giving you a little sample of the work…

More shoots are coming and more art flowing so make sure you all join my blog and visit my site I am really pushing to have all my facebook, twitter and other social networks shift over here so I can protect my work and give you more of my artsy pieces.

The goal of Patrick C Photography by year’s end is to grace at least six magazines and become one of the most recognized artistic photographers that creates uniquely specific Patrick C pieces … With your help and support I know for sure this can become a reality, I have the plans I just need all my people pushing to support my art and vision. When I make it we all can say this is something we WORKED together to make happen..

Thank you for the support and look forward to more…

Patrick Covington