Monday, January 7, 2013


Model Name: Adrian Douglas Austin
Location: Memphis, TN

What made you get into modeling/fashion? Every since I was a little boy I knew I wanted to become a Fashion Star. I use to stand in front of the television and ask my mother how I could get inside. I take modeling and fashion very seriously. It’s my passion, an outlet for me to express myself to the fullest. I love creating a story through modeling and fashion I believe modeling and fashion is a form of Entertainment that tells a story in a nonverbal way, which is one of many ways to communicate to your audience. Within the last six years I moreover discovered my companion passion for modeling. Not just modeling other designer's clothes but I want to be able to professionally design as well as model my own creations.

How long have you been into it? I’ve been drawing clothes since I was 7 years old. I started sewing/designing clothes when I was 16 years old. And I started modeling when I was 21 years old. So I would say about 18, 19 years.

What are some of your hobbies? I like to design, draw, shop, hip-hop dance, act, play baseball, travel all over the world, study, read, and spend time with my family.

How do you view the industry? Network, network, network! Get into the fashion industry parties even if it means sneaking in the back door. When you get connections and contacts be ready to hit them with quality ideas and designs. If the timing is right you may sell some clothes or land a nice little job.

You have anyone in mind you want to work with next model etc.? I would love to work with Kaysee ModelKayC Hayes I use to work with her at Hollister’s Co., back in 2006. I think she’s dope and hot. And I would love to work with Shaniece Nicole Birgs I have known her since the 7th grade she’s a sweet humble person I think she’s fly and bad.

Who are some of your favorite designers? Louis Vuitton, Russell Simmons, Dolce and Gabbana, Versace, Michael Kors, Marc Jacobs, Ralph Lauren.

Where can we find you online? Twitter: AdrianANDouglas, Facebook: Adrian HoodStar Austin, ModelMayHem: Adrian Austin, MySpace: Adrian Austin, Instagram: Adrian_Austin

What is something you willing to share with your readers that they might not know about you? Growing up for me has not been an easy journey. My mother was on drugs and whose whereabouts were unknown, she had failed in her responsibility to provide adequate care, support, and supervision of not only me but my other three sisters and two younger brothers furthermore my Father was on drugs as well he has never been in my life. With Grandmother Hattie Mae Austin being given custody and guardianship of all the grandchildren, that was the biggest commitment a grandmother could ever make. Years later with the passing of two uncles in 2002 and with my best friend in 2003, my dream continued to blossom. Shortly after my life was shattered along with the fashion world when I then endured the death of my beloved mother, the late Constance Elizabeth Austin also in 2003, after which I named my primary couture fashion line, Constance and Austin Inc. Better known as C and A Fashions.

Anything you want to add before we close out? “Never let them tell you, you can’t make it. I am a living proof that dedication will lead to success just be patient and make wise decisions.’’



  1. Very Inspiring story Adrian! Keep reaching for the stars! I wish you the best in pursuing your goals! :)

  2. Adrian you are going to be sooo successful!!!! Man in freaking elementary you were a star and fashion forward. I don't need to wish you any luck cause you got this. I can see your name in lights you are one of a kind a true talent!!! I'm so proud of you keep up the great work. Go reach for the stars :) love you much xoxoxo

  3. Good interview very good interview . Inspiring story.there's no other place for you but the top. You been having this passion for a very long time you always been into fashion so your love and passion for it is REAL. I see nothing but success in your future:-)

  4. Well all I can say is congratulations and I wish you the best I honestly believe you can do it Adrian. You always had the talent. You know people who always had a ruff childhood always be happy in the end. I can see you happy enjoying the hell out of your life. Lol watch and see how things work out for you. Continue to have GOD in your life and always have faith and you will accomplished anything you want. So I wish you the best Hood $+@r.

  5. Lil'A...well should I say big man lol. You finally getting up there. I'm so effin proud of you dude. You never let go of your dream you kept it close to your heart all of that hard work and going through what you did is so worth it. Nothing comes easy and everything happens for a reason. I'm so happy for you and proud of you. If I wanna see anybody make IT, it sure is YOU. Nobody can STOP you and never has do what you do put your BE$T foot forward. I know your going to give them something they wont expect. Your heart and mind is BIGGER than (FAME). You deserve this Love ya kidd? :)

  6. You'll be surprised to know how far you can go from the point where you thought it was the end. Keep up the good work Adrian I'm so proud of you and happy for you....I love you Hood Star!!!

  7. I see you Hood$+@r doing B.I.G., things....I ain't mad atcha at all....keep up the good work I salute you and pay homage and respect to you. Mane you going soooooo far....Can't wait to see your FACE & NAME in some magazines....Be safe! Love ya A.D.

  8. Adrian I am soooo proud of you. You are representation and living proof that obstacles may occur but you have to have endurance to and GOD to make it through whatever. I knew you was about you'd business when we were in high school and you knew who and what you wanted to be. Don't ever let someone talk down on your name. Cause A.D., you doing it and I know you gone make it. Love you.

  9. I honestly didn't know you had such a good head on your shoulders. You are proving many people wrong about who you are, and what you can do. Your Mom is so proud I know. You are proving to that you can do what you set your mind and heart to do, and that you will just roll right over anything foul thrown in your way. You're doing very good. CONTINUE TO SHAKE THE HATES OFF! MAKE THEM A PART OF YOUR MOTIVATION. They're helping you to achieve your goals and dreams; but their dumb asses can't even see it. {hates can make you stronger, 'cause you're determined to prove them wrong, while you achieve "your" goals. So use their asses for what they're worth, "STEPPING STONES" I love you Adrian, and pray for you.{Hood Star}

  10. I can't come up with enuff to describe how gifted you are keep doing it A.D.

  11. Adrian so awesome!!!! I swear your the best model from Memphis, TN to ever do it. :) my Bff to the end.......

  12. Everyone knows "ADRIAN" is the S.H.I.T lmaooo ;) pay homage!

  13. You'll be surprised to know how far you can go from the point where you thought it was the end. Keep up the good work....:) xoxoxo

  14. Adrian your going to be Walker Homes Chosen One!!! I can see your name in lights keep up the great work and your going soooo far in life......

  15. With that talent and your sexyyy ass looks of yours baby you'll make it I got faith in you Hood Star man you going far.....:) love you boo xoxo

  16. You have undeniable talent Adrian you sexy, smart, and have talent it don't get no better then that lol........

  17. Adrian you are ONE of a kind you are everything I thought you would be and more :) I love you boo keep up the great work and keep on grinding......

  18. Denesia Fitzgerald BrookinsJuly 7, 2013 at 4:51 PM

    Adrian you have sooo much talent I see nothing but greatness in you. God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try. And that's what you're doing trying keep ya head up baby boy. You going to be one of the Chosen One!!! xoxoxo love ya HoodStar!

  19. Adrian I knew from day one in 3rd grade you would be a STAR. I always believed in you and had faith in you. In my eyes you will always be one of the greatest the best models from Memphis, TN Walker Homes to ever do it. You are the Walker Homes KING, the Hood Star, the Prince of Fashion, Hollyhood Ken, Cover Boy, The Chosen One you hold that crown and can't no one take it away from you. :) I respect you, much love much homage!!! Love you A.D. keep making me proud :) xoxoxo #Hood$+@rM.A.F.I.A.ENT

  20. You fly, sexy, smart, and you baddddd lol go Adrian ;)

  21. My brother from another Mother Adrian I always seen nothing but success in you. You are going sooo far in life your 25 years old now I will say about 30. You will be a household name among the fashion world your name will be in lights. If you keep grinding and working hard anything is possible!!! Many people underestimate you. But one day, you'll be famous, and one day, they all will see that your better than them!!!


  22. Adrian, you been HATED on many times, adored and idolized. They need to check their stats, you all that, bottom line! Oh yess the KING_A$$_Hood$+@r is back in the game even though it bin a while, you still a household name #BOY*YOU*BAD!

  23. To be honest, I'm a need for yoouuuuuuuuu! Lol but I love you, I miss you, I'm proud of you, you are a wonderful person to be around, real, funny, cool, as hell, fly, swagging like a motherfucker, a true friend and a blessed soul!

  24. Alyssa Baker - #TeamHood$+@rMAFIAJuly 10, 2013 at 12:07 PM

    What I like about you Adrian you're a real artist. You the truth 100% real your swag and style is so unique and groundbreaking. I know you don't know me personally but I been a fan since Hood Star Radio lol. I've been watching you on Facebook, Twitter, etc for the past years. And I see nothing but greatness and success in you, you're going for fame. You have talent, very creative I love your pictures and the way you pose you do a damn good job lol. I look forward to seeing more artwork from you in the near future. And I seen that you said on Facebook a few weeks ago you having something real big coming to NYC I can't wait to see what it is :) keep grinding Adrian and stay positive. No one can give or take that from you but yourself!

  25. You are a sweet and beautiful person. You inspire me with your high hopes of attaining all your dreams and aspirations. I want you to know that the possibilities are endless and continue to strive for and achieve all the things that make you happy. May God continue to bless you!

  26. So many things I can say about you and we have never even met in person. Your character speak volume. Your swag and style is legendary and groundbreaking. In not many day hence, I truly believe your name will be a household name among the world. You gonna be showing young men how to model. And when you get into the millions ($), just send me a couple of, you are well on your way to the top!

  27. Gabrielle CampbellJuly 10, 2013 at 7:44 PM

    Hey Boo!!! We go all the way back to elementary how times flies. I respect you on the real and I support you on your future goals. I hope you go far with it all. Love ya hun!

  28. Awww boo I'm so proud of you we go all the way back to elementary you been styling and profiling lol you funny and talented love ya boo. :)

  29. Adrian, you are one of the sweetest people I've met and so know I love you boo.

  30. Well I must say there are things that seem unreachable at times and those things are called DREAMS!!! But it’s people like you that come from a different place and make the unreachable reachable!!! Make sure that when you do make IT (because “if” is no longer in the picture) you remember where you came from and all the things you've learned from it. Never let the bigger things shadow what you KNOW in your mind, heart, and soul to be right!!! I’m more than excited for you and you better let me know how your success goes every step of the way, pray every day!!! P.S. DON’T FORGET YOU PROMISED ME A WEDDING DRESS ON MY BIG DAY WHENEVER IT MIGHT HAPPEN LOL :) GO GET EM TIGER?????????

  31. I say,thank you for being inspiration in your own swagged out way on Facebook. It helps you know it encourages me and I'm sure others when you probably are not even aware. Love you HoodStar!

  32. Well I know for a fact you will make fashion history. I know fashion is something you've loved since I met you back in 2006 at Hollister Clothing Co. I see you still killing these people with style. Real talent sweetie!!! Well you do the dang thing, and your doing right as long as you keep God first he will lead you to places unknown and never thought could be in reach. I'm praying for your success sweetie!!!

  33. My brother from another Mother. I miss and love you Adrian. I know I haven't been there for you lately just had a lot going on, but anytime you call me I'm coming.

  34. Adrian, keep that positive attitude, there's no limit where it will take you. The sky is the limit, shoot for the moon :)I wanna see you blessed til it overflows!!!! #TeamHoodStarMAFIA4Life

  35. I commend you and I know you're gonna make it because God has a plan for everybody. I wish I had your ambition because I wanted to become a model and because I listened to my Mama she talked me out of it. She said that modeling is not a "real career" smh...I now regret not doing this. You're truly blessed and a strong young man. I'm gonna continue to pray for you and your family. So keep praying and don't let the haters bring you down. I love you pooh my HoodStar! ;)

  36. Congrats man! I encourage you to chase your fame cause nobody want's it bad as you do. This is an awesome opportunity and I want you to put your best foot forward.

  37. Wishing you luck I know you got this since we were little all you would do was design your own collection of clothing!!!! I'm proud of you boo and do this for everyone who doubted you!!!!

  38. Hey boo. CONGRATS 2 U!!!! I am so proud of you right now. I knew you could do it. You are so damn talented and it's about time that the world knows it. You deserve everything that is coming to you cause you really worked your ass off to get to the top. I wish you nothing but the best in everything you do. I love you babe............##Hood$+@rM.A.F.I.A.ENT

  39. Well honest words from me. You have honestly shown everything you have to put on the table. Baby you will make it.....! Best believe it! You are very successful, smart. And also very creative and unique you will go very far in the fashion modeling industry. I believe in YOU!:)

  40. Congratulations Sir. I have been following you on Facebook since 2011 and I have to say I am very proud of you and your accomplishments. Keep God first and you will continue to go beyond your wildest dreams. Many Many continued blessings and prayers your way sir. You are an inspiration to many that you will never know. Keep up the Great work Adrian "You Rock My Child" as God would say.

  41. Shaniece Nicole BirgsJuly 12, 2013 at 10:31 AM

    Adrian you know we go back to middle school. I loved you then and I've grown to love you more over the years. What a great friend I have in you! Love you babe and keep on grinding! Thanks for the shout out in the interview :) much love and respect........

  42. Adrian your the BEST conversationalist, model, inspirational person I know. But MOST OF ALL your the BEST FRIEND I COULD EVER HAVE. I LOVE YOU BROTHER. #TeamHoodStar

  43. Hey HoodStar!!! How are you? I hope everthing is good. I'm SO anxious to see you in GQ' magazine one day! That would make me happy to know that you have been through what you have been through and still made it! Love ya A.D.!

  44. Now that you have this better maintain it!

  45. I'm proud to meet a young man such as yourself with such great spirits and big dreams.

  46. You better not give up! You know I'd have to kick your ass for your mama first then for me! You have amazing talent and the biggest heart and self confidence I've ever seen! You better not quit til your clothing is known world wide and you're old and gray! ;) love you brother my HoodStar......

  47. OMGEEE!!! I am so happy for you. I'm proud of you cause you are doing your thing and ain't letting nothing get in your way. It's about time that these fuck haters recognize that you are a BOSS........keep doing you babe!!! Love you Young A.D.

  48. Words can't describe how proud I am of you. All of your hard work is paying off and you are so close to fulfilling your dreams! I can' think of anyone more deserving than you. Love you xoxoxoxo

  49. I had the knowledge of you being successful since 1st grade and you have yet shown me that I was wrong. You have everything that it takes to make your dreams come true. I see more than what just meets the eye and know in my heart that you are going to reach every expectation and aspiration that you deserve. Never stand too long in one spot and let the negative and hating people grab you and pull you backwards. You go this Adrian now let's keep it moving.

  50. Get your passport Adrian and get to Asia where you can have access to materials for little of nothing! That's where the tailors are!! Tokyo, Korea, LA and New York!! Yards and yards of material for a fraction! Then subcontract your ideas!! Just an idea!! Keep that dream moving Adrian! Never let anyone discourage you!!

  51. Words can't describe my love for you Adrian.....keep doing what you are doing.....and I know that you will excel.....Always keep your head up and your eyes on the prize with your back to the wind.....LOVE YOU MUCH!!!!!!!

  52. There is nothing you cannot do or have in this life just believe, focus and achieve it. With God's power and your determination anything is possible. Love you little brother much!!!

  53. Sheretta Elion - Adrian's 7th Grade TeacherJuly 14, 2013 at 8:59 PM

    Adrian, my dear son from another mother, thank you for such kind words! It is so comforting to know that my work in the profession that I chose was not in vain! You have given me hope to continue my quest to make a difference. Thanks for allowing me to be a servant leader! I am here for you until the end! Continue to let your light shine, no matter what! Love you son!

  54. Adrian I got faith in you, you can do it just as long as you know this is what you want it don't matter what others think and say. I'll be looking for ya so don't forget about me when you hit big. Seriously, I can be one of your model lol don't you think? LOVE YA KID!

  55. What's good mane? How are you doing? keep up the good work and keep the dream God has given you alive, and I really do thank you for being an inspiration in my life Hood Star a.k.a. Lil'A.D. I love you big' bro!!!!! and May God bless you.

  56. Lyllie Davis #TeamHood$+@rJuly 15, 2013 at 12:35 AM

    Adrian you really touched me what you post on my wall on Facebook. You are one of the people in my life who keep me motivated and inspired especially when I'm feeling down. I know you got my back and I definitely got yours. Love you a bunch babe.......:) it's the Hood$+@rMovement

  57. Charise Burse #WalkerHomesHood$+@rMovementJuly 15, 2013 at 1:01 AM

    I've watched you grow up and strive to be the best although sometimes you feel like the world has turned there back on you, you know I'm just a couple steps away to always give you guidance and honesty cause that's what people do when they love you they don't judge they love you regardless and I hope you become everything that you put your mind too. Love you HoodStar!

  58. You better NEVER give up!!! You're meant for sooooo much more you know this!!! Your Mom is sooooo proud of you can't you feel it? :) love you babe.....

  59. Stopping by to show you some love and say thank you so much for inspiring me to move forward and never give up on my dreams because of you I am now going to push myself to accomplish my dreams thank you bro.

  60. To be honest. You are the most attractive guy I know. In terms of looks and personality! :)

  61. You are you! If that makes since. I have NEVER had anyone to be so consistent and genuine. You ALWAYS check on me and wish me a good morning. I'm blessed to have someone like you around. Talented and motivated as well you have traveled all over the conutry and I know you're going to be successful. Don't forget about me!!!!!! Lol so much more I can say but I'm getting burnt out now lol

  62. I just want you to know you my big' cousin and even though we have our differences you always gone have a spot in my heart and I love you!

  63. Adrian I just wanted to tell you that I love you boo and I'm sooo proud of you, people look at you because you make there lives complete, but for some reason the haters do come out baby but let them hate, you just keep inspiring people like you do baby I just had to let you know this sexxxy. I love you Adrian HoodStar Austin thank you for being apart of my life baby, keep up the good work! Much

  64. Awww Adrian your a sweetie and this is what God put me here to be a motivating factor in someone life. I'm glad you are taking all the necessary steps to make your dreams come true. Love you for life :)

  65. Adrian, just continue to believe in the almighty Father and keep doing what you are doing and you will be the "SHIT" in 2014! Oh by the way, you already are the "SHIT" lol

  66. When I get threw with hair school I'm thinking fashion design yay it's something I know a little about and would love to change that. I been waiting to talk to you about it cause I know you know live and speak fashion lol. But had to make sure I was serious so when I get close to graduating I want to go to a fashion design school mean while I love to be your shadow lol ;) #Team%HoodStar

  67. I don't think you can make it I KNOW :) God is giving you battles to learn from mistakes. And showing you the right road to cross. And it's good to know God and your wonderful mother won't let you give up. That shows right there how many important people are supporting you every step of the way. :)

  68. Thanks for the love Adrian I do what I can but keep being positive and stay optimistic about your future.......Go reach for the stars. :) love you boo.

  69. Twanishia RichardsonJuly 16, 2013 at 10:42 PM

    I must say I love your persistence in what you love to do; I've been watching your status on Facebook for almost 3 years and I must say you have a great dream in you; please don't give up I know we as humans are always looking for someone to push us on into each step and also applaud us as we complete each step, but I'm here to tell you Keep God first also make sure you honor his Son Jesus Christ, stay in Prayer and God will give you the directions. And don't tell no one else your dreams until it's too late for them to stop you……… be blessed now until late……….(oh yeah I'm Malika sister) ;)

  70. I'm a be in Memphis in December you need to hit me up need to do that shoot and I'm a make sure the blazer is ready by then. I'm excited been networking with you for a minute this shoot should turn out pretty hot. :) #TeamHood$+@rENTBaby

  71. VERY BEAUTIFUL BLOG! i love the tiling in the background! with the blue accents... it screams to me classy and cool and fun! AND YOURE A GREAT MODEL FOR SURE!

  72. Adrian, you are the kindest, and sincere person that I have met. God does have plans for you and this is just the beginning of what is in store for you. 2014 is going to be your year to shine and rise to the occasion. You are the SHIT I love you and wish you nothing but the best for you and your career.

  73. The hottest person I know got swag out this world the biggest Lil' Kim fan I know been down with the Queen Bee since 1995 he a bad mother shut your mouth lol been friends with him on Facebook with his cute, sexy, fine self lol. I know you gone make it baby love you.

  74. You really cool I like you a lot you have a good personality seems like you well rounded and you have a good head on your shoulder.

  75. Been knowing you for awhile you my brother I am so proud of the things you are doing in your life. I'm so happy for you and threw the bad times and good times you kept ya head up. And I love you for that and I will get em up with anyone about you.

  76. Shayra Exotik B SmithJuly 18, 2013 at 6:24 PM

    Well I'll tell you your sexy, smart, ambitious, talented, sweet, kindhearted, and a good friend plus a die hard fan, lol. Honest and a good person to have on your side. All in all a truly great friend, kisses. :) love you boo.....

  77. Christina FrederickJuly 18, 2013 at 8:44 PM

    Haven't had the pleasure of actually meeting you yet I been a fan since day one. But I love your swag! Like I've said before confidence is beautiful and I think you will accomplish everything you set out to!

  78. You my nigga straight up you a real G in the game. You gone be part of an era that's classic. I love you soooooo much it's crazy. I wish I had the money so you can make my clothes.You have talent you really a hoodstar you keep on pursuing your dreams boy. I'm glad I know a famous person like you.

  79. We goooo wayyyy back since the 7th grade...I still got our picture that we took when we was on our end of the year trip 8th grade in ATL...can't get no better then that I think...:-) love you boo soooo proud of you.....

  80. OMG!!!! I am so proud of you and how you have overcome so many obstacles where most would have just given up. I admire your passion to do something positive with your life in spite of all the negativity you've endured and still endure to this day. Keep working hard for your dreams and persevering cause one day it will pay off! Love you bro!!

  81. My BOO!! I think you have so much courage!! So determined and so nonchalant to those who try to bring you down!! I love the fact that you always keep in touch!! Even if you don't get a response you know I still love ya boo!! You contribute to me and my girls so we gone stay 100 and support you on yo ROAD TO RICHES!!

  82. My honey dip Mr.HoodStar* The next brand pit gone stay on the red carpet LOL my guy I fuck's with you the long way you my boo 4life no matter what without the communications and shit we don't need that we got our own ways of shit.....My guy I heart you lot's hun!!!

  83. Jasmine Person - Adrian God Sis!July 21, 2013 at 7:38 PM

    Been knowing you since forever even doe we ain't seen each other in awhile we still talk. You say what's on yo mind, you be swag out and you like a big brother to me. I love you pooh ;) xoxo

  84. Timothy Mims - Adrian God brother!July 23, 2013 at 10:29 AM

    I'm very proud of you and I'm honored to have you as a brother, I meant every word that I said. "Your going to make fashion history, and every dream that you have your going to achieve them." Keep that determination!!!

  85. I think you're a ambitious, talented, young man with a lot of good things going on for you and for that I admire/commend you for that! I'm proud of you :-)

  86. Love yo style yo swag your attitude. The way you view things can't wait to see you again.

  87. Clarence Lenton II - Adrian high school coachJuly 23, 2013 at 1:19 PM

    You definitely have the right mindset Adrian. I already know that I'll be seeing you and your brand of fashion on tv one day. I'll be able to tell people, with pride, that I watched you grow into it and EARN it. All I want is a designer cane to have like Don Magic Juan!! Lmao. I'm so proud of you, words can't even begin to describe. I've been checking your page out and keeping up with you. To know where you came from to where you're headed is AMAZING to me and a true example of determination. Believe it or not, I've used you as an example plenty of times to my middle school students. I show them your FB page and tell them about where you're from and the way you carried yourself (like a respectful young man) regardless of the foolishness going on around you. Keep it up (Can't Stop Won't Stop)!!!!!

  88. Adrian Douglas Austin, I am so proud of you. Words can't describe how I feel right now. You are doing what you always wanted to do and things like that inspire people to do the same. One thing that I can say and relate to is the fact that regardless of your past, you turned out just fine. God has something amazing planned for your life. Always remember that God allows some bad things to happen in our lives, only to reveal a greater outcome. Keeping striving for the best. I love you and I am behind you 100%. Love always, your cousin Raven.

  89. I like that. A man with hood, common, and book sense is a rare thing these days :)

  90. The realist person I know and the biggest fan of the one and only Lil' Kim A.K.A. Queen Bee fan alive.

  91. Your fashion sense is almost as good as mine lol and I can't wait to do that photo shoot!!!! And you're super sweet thanks for being my friend :)

  92. I knew from day one you were going to be on top so handsome, talented, smart, outspoken with a good head on your shoulders. :)

  93. Known you since you were a little boy lol I use to play with yo sister in walker homes the hood lol. You just go for your dreams and bump the haters out yo life. I see you doing big things keep up the good work. Wish you all the best want to see you on TV in the future.

  94. One of Lil' Kim biggest fans don't give a damn about haters gone say what's on his mind gone be in Forbes magazine be on the look out for him haters I gotcha boo.

  95. My boo stay looking handsome and neat as hell.....You know you cool with me always and you show much love so here's it is back> Much love enuff said.

  96. My hard guy who stay on point......Lol love you and miss you boo!

  97. Hey my HoodStar.....I would like to thank you for your heartwarming greeting on my Facebook page. It really touched my heart and I mean that being REAL is all I know. I want you to always remember you are special to me. I never questioned why just knowing we were connected for a reason was enough for me. I love you for who you are. My shining HoodStar. I love you boo.....(TEARS).....Of joy! :)

  98. Congrats to my big' brother, Adrian Douglas Austin for his much deserved recognition in the House of Style Modeling and Talent Agency and for landing his much deserved spot on the website as model #3........Go check him out at and Proud of my brother!!!! :) love you A.D.


  99. I knew you were passionate about fashion just didn't know how much tho! Then I didn't know about your Mom. Regardless every obstacle you may have faced you over came and became the wonderfully talented, sexy, smart man you are today!

  100. Letitia Darlene BowensJuly 30, 2013 at 1:02 AM

    Oh my goodness! You are sooo handsome and have amazing talent! I am so thankful to have you in my life Adrian. :) this interview is outstanding love, love, love!

  101. You have a great heart and I'm not saying that cause your a cutie. I know because of that gift I am blessed with God has a big plan for you, and you pushing in reaching for better things all your blood, sweat and tears are not gonna go to waste and vain. I'm cheering and supporting you, your Mom smiling down on you and we both telling you not to give up or let no one take your pride or make you do anything that's gonna take you outta your element. Love you baby boy and be blessed more and more :)

  102. Adrian thank you so much your the best and I have so much respect 4 you and what you stand 4. I love you!

  103. Coach Lenton - Adrian high school coach!July 31, 2013 at 8:07 PM

    Adrian, some kids look at athletes and entertainers and think that in their last year or two of high school they can play the sport (and get a scholarship overnight) or become an actor/rapper/singer/model the first time they try at it. It takes years of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication. One thing I can say about you though is that you have definitely been putting in work.

  104. Adrian, continue to do what you are doing and dream "BIG" cause you are going to be the "SHIT" oh I forgot, you are already the "SHIT" just that in 2013, you are going to be even "BIGGER" in 2014. Don't disappoint me. I know you never will. Love you bro!

  105. Adrian, you don't have to wait for 2014, bro you are already on your way to the top and going places only others dream about going. :) love you A.D. HoodStar

  106. Adrian, even if you were not taking modeling and fashion serious, just your ego and the way you carry yourself daily is an inspiration to all those hearts that you touch on a daily basis. I am sooo thankful for your friendship and I wish you nothing but the best for you big' brother. You are the "SHIT" :)

  107. Adrian, You are a very sweet young man! I have known you for a little over a year, and you have always been the same...You are a breath of fresh air! Keep the Lord as your light Sir Adrian!!! let him continue to light your path. :):):)

  108. Selena Hearn BrackettAugust 5, 2013 at 6:37 PM

    Adrian HoodStar Austin you are a smart, talented, beautiful person and I am blessed to have him as my God Bro!!!:) I love you pooh....xoxo

  109. Awww boo, you always know what to say to bring tears to my eyes. I told you when we first met that I got you HANDS DOWN NO MATTER WHAT. I got nothing but love for you baby, remember that. I'm gonna continue to ride for you. True friends don't come around to often that's why I cherish you and will always keep you in my heart. Love you much!!!!!!!!!

  110. My baby you cool as ever always got me tripping off yo status on Facebook lol. And I love #TeamKim# miss ya poo much.

  111. I know it's seems hard for you boo I been where you at. Always know no matter what the situation you go through baby stay humble God is just elevating you to a higher ground you may not see it know but it's on the way no test no testimony. You believe and know it in your heart you know I ain't gone tell you nothing wrong.

  112. This goes out to the coolest dude ever! You is smart, talented and down to earth as ever. Wish we could hang out one day but I hope you make it to the big leagues soon hun :)

  113. I see you fuck with me. Not really knowing you I reach out to you for help and you was willing to help me. Your well-defined, humble, kind hearted, and 100% REAL, we have been through a lot in life we will continue to stand strong and make it to the top. We will be doing the House of Style magazine photo shoot. Thanks for everything! Love ya HoodStar :)

  114. You are a very beautiful person. I'm glad that God put you in my life. We been through thick and thin and you still remain the same cool, sweet, crazy, humble, and real. You never changed on me and I never will change on you. I got nothing but love for you :-)!

  115. You are a very special person in my life! I'm so happy you in my life, I LOVE you sooooo much.

  116. I consider you as a friend....although we don't have the closest friendship, I know you're a beautiful person and a sweetheart....And whenever you cross my mind I always try to send some encouraging words your way (smilez) honey dump! Love ya Hood Star.

  117. Actually Adrian, you have the sex appeal to model. Bone structure, ability to change look all of these are important. It's a tough business though. But I know you got it :) keep up the good work A.D. I'm very proud of you!!!

  118. I really love your spirit, your attitude you will make it simply because of your tenacity.
    Obviously I'm not alone in seeing a bright future for you. I would say, reconsider doing this "on your own". Being independent can be empowering, but it is such a difficult field, having a "guide" who knows the path would be helpful, but make sure you they believe in you. It is so difficult to grow successfully in the public eye and to be surrounded by people that will be honest with you, not just "yes-people". You will find the right combination.

    Thank you for sharing your story with me.

  119. Well I must say I had/have a crush on you for some reason lol. I love your attitude and that you speak your mind. You mad cool and we need to hang out hell lol and I love supporting you. :)

  120. An inspiration very driven and determined, smart, handsome :D you have the realist statues at time on Facebook and you've got some major support and I'm a fan!

  121. You my friend are truly inspirational. You have great positive energy. I know and sense great things for you.


  122. I'm greatly impressed. I've mentored several young men who have had similar lives, Mother on Drugs and unknown father, passed around from Auntie to Auntie....You were really blessed to have such a loving grandmother. You have planned your life with great dreams, and goals, very ambitious...I smiled :) at your PhD choice that has been mine, albeit it's still a desire at my age, even though I am working on a doctorate now.

  123. My friend you are way beyond your years. It is obvious you were a great student of your grandmother. :)))

  124. You're cute, and I admire you and what you wanna become, as well as your career and everything you do. You're a sweet person and I uh always kinda had a crush on you. But I'm with someone now, and I can't wait til' we network and rock out together. :)


  126. But remember " My Hoodstar " people enter our lives for a season. The season could be a day...a week....a month....a year.....Oh you get the point....but when their season has come to the end they exit....Just remember what you have gained, learned, etc. from them being in our life.....

  127. TBH I love you....You are a beautiful talented person....Don't ever change and if we were in the same town you already know we would be together!!! :)

  128. Boo I miss you so much, your the type of person I could always talk to you are a real true friend. M.H.S., them were the days you always had me rolling lol. A have you seen the candy man? yo hair ain't changed one bit. You got to love it tho you my friend to the end. I love you Adrian Douglas Austin :) :)

  129. Adrian, your Mom is looking down from heaven and smiling at you and your drive, desire and ambition to succeed in life and make something of yourself. I as your friend think you are incredible and talented and a great person and inspiration to me and others. Keep up the great work and show them player haters and "BITCHES" that you are the "SHIT" of Memphis and the fashion world.

  130. Adrian's - Big' Brother Hood$+@rM.A.F.I.A.ENTSeptember 22, 2013 at 8:01 PM

    Tbh: you my brother from another mother. I love that your so humble, classy, and stay flyyy. Keep working hard I'm proud of you. Idk why these little bust downs wanna come from you but I got them. People are so jealous of you when you try to be their friend you truly have a good heart. We've got so close over the years. I love you bro tell that porn star bitch too stay in his lane he ain't worthy to walk near you. Maybe he should try being queen of porn. They going learn if you don't send for them they better not come at you because I roast bum bitches.

  131. As a photographer, I admire your ambition and body of work. Keep that dream moving!


  133. Well well well if it ain't Mr. Swaggalicious himself.....LOL I love your style and your attitude.....And your eyes too.....your super cool, you funny and last but not least.....your a LEO!!!!! It don't get no better huni!!!!!

  134. Adrian you are the hardest, the best ONE of a KIND :) this interview is so Epic classic keep up the good work you're going far in this fashion modeling game. #TeamHoodStarENT

  135. Edwin Williams-JohnsonOctober 28, 2013 at 3:43 PM

    Hey Adrian!!! What's good bro? How are you doing? I hope you're doing very well. I was going over my contacts list and I sincerely and deeply apologize for not writing to you the first time I added you on Facebook. I enjoyed reading your profile very much, and you have a good head on your shoulders. Fashion Design is an excellent field for you, and I know you'll excel in this environment. You're very educated, intelligent and have big dreams of what you want out of life. I hope to hear from you in the future. You have a wonderful day and take excellent care :)

    Sincerely, Edwin

    P.S. I also added you to my Close Friends list so you can see all of my page and pics :)

  136. The most handsome man I ever seen in my life...had a lil crush on you cause I thought you was just gorgeous...stupid swag no doubt about it...real cool and crazy as hell.

  137. You down to earth, talented, you have your choice of words I like it when you show me love and you don't let anymore get in the way of what you wanna do I like that about you Adrian :) love ya kid. My bff to the end.

  138. Mr. Adrian Douglas Austin you're ONE of a kind I believe in my heart that you will become a household name among the fashion, modeling, and entertainment world one day. I can see your name in lights you are fashion foward. A super star in the making, a KING a HoodStar. I pray everything works out for you Adrian, people that had a ruff child hood growing up always become happy in the in. Hard work pays off you been through blood, sweat, and tears I respect you, pay homage to you, commend you because I come form that type of environment. I grew up in the hood, projects been homeless, Mother and Father both were on drugs. I feel your story Adrian you inspire tons of people I watch your Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and IG daily people really do love you, and look up to you. And your loyal when it comes to your family, friends, and fans you a real ass nigga I fuck's with you. Adrian I salute you!!! #I'mTeamHoodStarM.A.F.I.A.ENT 4Life

  139. When I think of Adrian Douglas Austin the words come to my mind are: inspiration, super star, hood star, best, fly, greatness, bad, sexy, strong, loyal, humble, epic, classic, smart, intelligent, articulate, successful, talented, unique, educated, complex, determined, motivated, creative, trendsetter, king, royal, swag, household name, believe, wise, sex appeal, progress, blessed soul, fashion forward, you are everything I thought you would be. I know you want to be MORE but in my eyes you are already something you're EVERYTHING!!! I LoveU AdrianANDouglas. :) in my eyes you will always be one of the best models to do it from Memphis, TN Walker Homes *Male model wise*

  140. Adrian get in the studio and drop that hood shit lol I'm like a fat kid in a candy store lmaoo love you Young A.D., you the best!




  144. You are one of a kind, you are a true person to yourself but also to others you are so cute and the fashion is on point!!! :)

  145. Adrian, just remember with God and your true friends you will get through your blood, sweat, and tears and there is nothing that you cannot accomplish. With your determination and sex appeal you are the "SHIT" and I am here for you day and night....Love you HoodStar!

  146. Adrian you got a family of friends, and die hard fans who love you for being you and want to see you shine because I know I do but just know I'm a love you always and forever. #Team%HoodStarENT

  147. Adrian,

    See, we are tested on every side. Can we trust him only when all is well or can we trust him period? Faith is when we can't see. So I say God be the glory! Love you Adrian nice interview and your going far in this fashion, modeling world. I can see you doing B.I.G. things :)


  149. Praising God with you! God is MORE for you than the entire world against you! Love you Adrian Douglas Austin.

  150. Keep the faith knowing that God will provide if you trust him I love Mr.Adrian Austin. :)

  151. Adrians God Mother ;)December 7, 2013 at 6:42 PM

    I love you son don't you forget it. Sometimes we have to go through the worst, in order to get to the best. And sometimes we also have to go through certain situations to get a closer relationship with the one who first loved us. #God

  152. I know it's hard right now and you can't see your way through but your gone be ok Adrian don't ever give up your stronger then you know just hold on boo.


  154. OMG.....That was inspiring bro. I would have never guessed that man. You are truly a "WARRIOR" an just know that GOD isn't finished with you yet. He brought you this far for a reason, you were designed for this.

    I mean reading this interview almost brought me to tears because my granny took care of me since I was a baby. It's so brave of you to share something like that. I tilt my hat off to you brother.

    What an amazing person you are an will to continue to be. I believe in you and know your going very far this in fashion game. I speak that into existence.....:) MUCH love, MUCH homage!!!

  155. Possibly the most sweetest person I've ever met. Even tho I've only seen you twice you have always stayed in touch and the most consistent person I've ever come in contact with. Love your ambition and your drive for success. You're gonna make it far!!!! And make someone very happy!!!!!!!!! And you bet not forget about me when you make it to the top!!!

  156. All I can say is WOW Adrian. You been through blood, sweat, and tears and you still going for your dreams. I admire someone who has been through a lot and still keeps their head up :)

  157. Go A.D., you the Walker Homes King the best to ever do it. The streets is waiting for you.


  159. Wow Adrian, I learn something about you each time! wow. There is still time to do all the things you always wanted. but you know enough about God to know that there is never a straight line to our destiny. He takes us the scenic route. not the most direct path, but when we get there we will know that it was no one but God who made it happen for us. God will take you much further than your talent can! I would love to see you start back hip-hop dancing sometime. I am a huge patron of the arts.

  160. Adrian, you Michael Jackson bad, tell that other nigga to beat it! Lol

  161. Hey lil bro!!! I know yesterday was a very hard day for you. It was the 11th year anniversary of your Mother death. Just wanted to tell you that I love you and I appreciate everything you do and all that you are! Your Mom would be soooo proud of you today! I know she's up there in Heaven bragging on you to anyone that will listen! Keep on praying bro that's the best way to stay close to her.

  162. Yeah Adrian hard times only come to make us even stronger. God is preparing you for greatness and strength so don't even dwell or worry about it. I can see your name in lights man you are well on your way to the top. :)

  163. God has her covered & u as well, I never lost a parent so there's never the right word to say, without being in that position. I only encourage u to stay strong & keep pushing towards prayer as guidance, let god be the driver in your life, & be prepared to meet again with your beautiful angel(your mother) be blessed Adrian HoodStar Austin

  164. Adrian, just keep on pressing forward you will be fine sexy,,, life isn't meant to be easy but trust in the higher power and you will end up on top,,,, you're very smart, talented guy so I know everything will fall in place. :) love ya kid.

  165. I understand nephew. GOD called my mom home 30 years ago and I still cry. Miss momma so so much but it do get easier to deal with as time goes on. You will never forget but you can move forward. Connie is watching over all of ya'll. Stay strong nephew love you much!!!

  166. Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.

    My dad shared this quote with me at the beginning of my career and I read it each day to remind me of my journey. Stay on ya grind and keep SHOOTING towards your dreams.


    P.S. Thanks for this epic interview love it man :)

  167. Hi Adrian! My name is Brie, I work at an event planning company in Los Angeles, CA. We are looking to fill a promotional position for an upcoming event that I think you would be a great fit for! It's in Memphis on May 15 2014 and pays $20/hr. The hours are from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM so you will be done in plenty of time to have the rest of the day to yourself! Please e-mail me at if you are interested and we will give you more details! Thank you! :)

  168. Hurry up Adrian get in the studio with PatriCk and create some new hot artwork for 2014 I'm like a kid in a candy store lol frfr ;) but I know you coming hard this year word on the streets is YOU they waiting for.

  169. Much love nephew just follow your dreams, never mind yo haters alone the way. Kill them with success damn kindness. Love you.

  170. KING ASS STAR ;) #TeamHood$+@r

  171. Hey Adrian I liked what you said on one of your status on Facebook. It is extremely true what you've stated - "everyone won't give you, your props" because of jealousy of other people's success, and you're extremely successful. If they don't want to give you props, that's their problem. I give you props all the way!!!! YOU GO BRO!!!

  172. Well for starters you have an end goal in mind to me that says you have put a lot of thought in what you want and have a road map to achieve it. 2nd you are confident. 3rd you are a Leo, lol 4th you are currently making step to get closer to your goal, and 5th not to mention you're sexy and handsome as hell and unique and fashionable to boot,,,there you go lolol ;) #TeamHoodStarENT

  173. You are so inspirational, talented, and smart! I enjoyed you today! You made my day when you walked through the door! You are going to reach so many more high levels in your life. You have the determination and the will to fulfill your purpose down here on earth! Keep modeling, marketing, and making those creative clothes! I love your style my brother! Can't nobody do you!

  174. Randy - Adrian God broMay 12, 2014 at 10:57 PM

    Adrian my Lil Bro, u are my hero and inspiration. What you have been through and what your going through others would have given up and said "FUCK" it but you were and are determined to fight the fight and win and Brother you are winning. Love and prayers to you.

  175. You've always been smart and intelligent! You on your way higher than you've ever been baby boy! I'm proud of you. Keep it up. :)

  176. Wow Adrian you are very optimistic and I like that. Keep pushing yourself. And when you make it I need passes to all of your shows :)

  177. Hood Star :)


  179. Adrian HoodStar Austin go for your DREAMS and never let no one stop you. All of your hard work will pay off trust me. I know at times it get's hard but you just hold your head up high. God have a blessing with your name on it. You been through it all and your still standing I admire you for that. I love you Adrian Douglas Austin, a.k.a HoodStar, a.k.a KING of Walker Homes 2014 is your year go and get your money baby. ;) :)

  180. Marsha Marie CarterJune 19, 2014 at 12:44 AM

    I just had to stop by and say hi, actually I am speechless, your smile is by far wow, your eyes, how I could wake up to those eyes every morning for the rest of my life, your interview is revealing, I see your dreams and feel confident you will reach them. I know I would never have a chance with someone like you, but yes, I can dream big too. ;)




  184. I read this interview with much joy. First, allow me to say I am very proud of Adrian and I feel blessed that the Lord has brought him in my life, my life is better since I have meet him, Before I read this article, I hand the honor to talk and communicate with Adrian and he was a joy to talk to. However, after reading this article and to learn what he has overcome gives me am entirely new outlook and respect for Adrian, He is smart, stylish, compassionate. loving, kind, loving, well you get the message, I have no doubt that he will make it and I personally look forward to purchasing some of his designs. I will support him in anyway I can in any way. Keep it up and you will make it.

  185. There will NEVER be another Adrian Douglas Austin the Walker Homes Hood Star KING not in a million years. :)


  187. Adrian HoodStar Austin you are the BEST model out of Walker Homes :) keep doing you!!!

  188. Adrian, I have a few goals of my own that I am diligently working towards and I get excited when I see others on the same path. I am a true believer in thoughts are things and goal setting. After reading your post on Facebook, Twitter, and IG, it seems as if that's a part of your life as well. I have already checked out your interview twice and I think that is outstanding! There are tons of young, creative, and innovative minds out there just like you and your story may be heard one to spark one of those young minds to take action as you did. Well anyway, pleasure to meet you and I wish you much success in life. :)

  189. Hi Adrian,

    If I may reveal a little secret, I would honestly love to own a clothing store like you're describing. I have research several places already but I keep getting stock on where to get the merchandise from. I wish there were places where you can ask business owners where they get their merchandise from. I am crazy about fashion in general. I love to dress to impress and like any other woman I have an expensive taste specially on shoes. Shoes are my must accessory when it comes to fashion. I feel like this industry will always be on the top since people always want to look their best.

    Good Luck,


  190. "Adrian Douglas Austin" that's a Super Star name :) I have soo much love for you keep up the good work go reach for the stars.


  192. Hi Adrian! It is always inspiring to see someone that has so much passion for what they do. I commend you for the goals you have for yourself and your progress to achieving them. Good luck to you!

  193. Hey Adrian,

    You sure know how to stay busy. That's great you have all these goals you want to achieve and like you said, dedication will lead to success. I hope the dedication and dreams that you have, will lead you to success. My brother did some modeling and acting a few years back, and I know how dedicated he was and how hard he worked to accomplish his long life dream. Best of luck to you and I look forward to seeing your name in lights you one day. :)


  194. Hi Adrian,

    It is very refreshing to read this interview; I can feel the passion in your words and see how strongly you want to achieve your goals. A lot of people say they want to do things, but never have the courage to write them down, which is what I believe is the first step in achieving them. Having the ability to manage and prioritize your day is important to being successful as well, and exercising certainly helps clear the mind. How did you decide on the name of your brand? Good luck with your career and goals!



  195. Hi Adrian,

    You have some very good ideas here and you seem to know what you are wanting to do and I agree with your 7th grade teacher do not let anyone stand in your way or try to tell you that you cannot make a go at it because you seem to know what you are doing. It is nice that you are wanting to offer the people to get dressed up and have their pictures made right there on the spot so that they will have something to remember that day with it does not matter if there is any other cost for the makeup they can pay it if they want to use the makeup or they can just take the picture without the makeup. Very Good interview here.



  198. 2015 will be your year Adrian! The best is yet to come man.

  199. I'm Jamilla Abdullah
    anyway i came across your profile on Facebook
    something touches me on my mind to stop by and write you and i believe we can be good friends,
    but just bear in your mind that age,color or
    distance does not matter in good relationship.
    i will be grateful if you
    reply me so I can send you my pictures and also tell you more about myself.
    hoping to read from you soon
    wishing you a lovely moment over there

  200. Omg Great job My Love.Im so proud of you,you were amazing πŸ‘†my God ....look at his work he shows on you πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ™for he "our father" is worthy and he shows it through you ,again you were great Mr.Adrian the Stylist ,I love you ,Later my Love
